MC News: Hello, and welcome to the second edition of MC mod review! And consisting of 3/22/12 Minecraft 1.2.4 is out! You know what that means! No more mods! YAY! Unless you don't update. ;) Well, hopefully you didn't update!
Today's mod: Fossil/Archeology Mod
In this fantastic prehistoric mod. You can raise animals and cause hell on a village with a T-Rex! And raise a Saber Tooth Tiger! Mine, Scavenge, and Kill your way through a Cave-man life! In this mod there are a wide verity of weapons like: the javelin and a new ancient sword and a scarab tool set. As shown in this picture:
The instalation for this mod is really easy. Install modloader, then Audiomod, Put the contents of the Fossil mod in mods folder. ( Before you can also make the mods folder. Start a New Folder, call it "mods" without a capital. Or before you install the Fossil mod, open MC first, it automatically installs when you start.) Close out of minecraft.jar. Start MC and start your own Jurassic Park!
From left to right: Acheology table-When an ancient sword and a ancient is put in, (Needed relic srap is put in bottom box, like a furnace.)
Analizer- After you mine things in a fossil stone you can make things such as:Gravel, Dino DNA, Stone tablets,
Cultivate Vat- When you open it up you need to put bio-fossils in the bottom, like the Analizer... And put your DNA in the left. If failure a green zombie like monster will appear and it is VERY hostile.
Javelin- Throw able weapon. Problem? :D
Scarab Weapons-The new set... Isn't very strong but looks awesome!
Not Shown** Feeder- Feeds the Dinos to make them not die. :D
Also adds animals suck as: T-Rex, Triceratops, Velociraptor, Pterosour, Nautilus, Phesiosour, Masousourus, Stegosaurus, Dilaphasour, Branchiosous. A lot of Dinos! I would go all day with all the fantastic things this mod has to offer. But I can't... So this one was sort of boring. I have a Volume of pictures, so here you go!
Fossils when they are natural.
A series of mining fossil drops! :D
I give this mod a 9.9/10
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